Category: Cord and Hose Reels

9 Advantages of Buying Reelcraft Cord Reels

reelcraft cord reel

Reelcraft cord reel products make your cords last longer, saving you time and money and preventing safety risks. From hand-cranked reels to spring-driven and motor-driven reels, no matter your industry or application, using Reelcraft products can extend the lifespan of your cords while benefiting your business. In this blog, we’ll cover nine ways Reelcraft reels… Read more »

Category: Cord and Hose Reels

How to Choose the Right Size Heavy-Duty Hose Reel

heavy-duty hose reel

Navigating to find the perfect heavy-duty hose reel for your commercial or industrial needs can be daunting. Understanding the intricacies of these vital tools doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. We’ve broken down everything you need to know about selecting the right size hose reel to enhance your operations’ efficiency, durability, and convenience.

Category: Cord and Hose Reels

Reelcraft Distributors That Offer Competitive Pricing for Reels and Parts

Reelcraft reel handcrank

Manufacturer’s Rubber and Supply recognizes the important role that Reelcraft distributors play in the supply chain of Reelcraft products and parts. As a Reelcraft supplier, Manufacturer’s Rubber and Supply focuses on sourcing inventory in bulk directly from the manufacturer for our customers, clients, and distributors. As a Reelcraft distributor, we are positioned to offer competitive… Read more »

Category: Cord and Hose Reels

We Sell Reelcraft: Why Buy Hose Reels in the First Place?

Reelcraft Hose Reel

Why should you buy a Reelcraft hose reel? Whether you run a small, one bay garage, a lawn care service or manage multiple manufacturing plants or even a shipping line, undoubtedly at some point, you’ve looked out and seen a variety of hoses—air, water, grease—laid out in a tangled mess, being dragged around, run over,… Read more »